Habitat for Humanity SA Women’s Build Dedication Ceremony

The Habitat for Humanity South Africa (HFH SA) week-long Women’s Month Build Program came to a close on Friday 20 August 20221 in Ga-Rankuwa Zone 10 with a Dedication Ceremony that saw three houses that were built by women during the week, being handed over to three women beneficiaries in dedication to the Women’s Month.

The week-long Build Program (16-20 August 2021) follows HFH SA, the City of Tshwane, and Nissan SA handing over 24 houses in the same area in a handover ceremony on Tuesday 10 August 2021.

As part of the week-long program, Nedbank also joined Habitat for Humanity on Tuesday 17 August 2021 and the City of Tshwane in support of the construction of the three houses for vulnerable female headed-households.

At the Dedication Ceremony, the three houses that were built by women led by a crew of unemployed volunteer leaders who were trained by HFH SA were handed over to three family beneficiaries.

This project was also made possible by a Public-Private Partnership between HFH SA, Nedbank, Nissan SA and the City of Tshwane.

Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity SA, Mr Cyrus Watuku, speaking at the Dedication Ceremony, said the reason the week-long Women’s Build became a success is because all four partners were united.

“The biggest appreciation, however, goes to the women who dedicated their time to volunteer to build the houses.

“HFH SA will continue to mobilize and bring people together and we hope the city and other partners will travel the journey with us because what we have done here is not just to give three families houses, we gave them a warm and safe place and an opportunity for a lifetime.

“The week-long Build demonstrates a pivotal role of women in society, during the month of August, and their right to access decent and affordable housing as a means of breaking the cycle of poverty from one generation to the next.

“During this month of August, HFH SA  is calling on women and men in the business community, governments, and other positions of influence to a partnership through financial support, volunteering or adding a voice to support affordable housing and help women achieve the strength, stability, and self-reliance so that they too can build better lives for themselves,” said Mr Watuku.

Director of Corporate Affairs at Nissan SA, Mr Wonga Mesatywa, said Nissan SA values collaboration and dedicating time to empower women in the community was an easy decision.

“The Nissanda Program in partnership with the City of Tshwane and HFH SA, acts as a reminder to do good, give back and keep strong working relationships with our key stakeholders,” he said.

The Regional Director of Nissan SA, Ms Evanie Vather, added that, Nissan SA is working in partnerships to uplift women and families who come from disadvantaged backgrounds and that the involvement of Nissan SA in the Women’s Build Program has been a great opportunity to give back.

The MMC of Community and Social Development, Cllr Thabisile Vilakazi, said she would like to thank all stakeholders because this means the list of people who are in need of houses is less by 27 now.

“This partnership has managed to give the beneficiaries hope for the future, I hope this is a beginning of a great and successful program that will continue to give back to the community,” said Cllr Vilakazi.

HFH SA registered in 1987 and actively building since 1996, is dedicated to the long term development and sustainability of S.A.’s low income housing sector and is focused on building thriving communities. HFH SA’s mission is to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope.

The build events play a crucial role as an entry point for volunteers from various socio economic backgrounds to participate in a transformational and meaningful experience of building homes for, and interacting directly with, low income beneficiaries and the broader community. This also provides the platform for organizations to help reduce housing poverty in South Africa.
